This has always been a challenge for the parents to ensure that their kids stay away from adultery contents, porn and disturbing images and videos while using internet. We recently have seen the British Prime Minister urging to all his country people to make sure that children don’t get access to these.
A recent study has shown that- approximately 90% of children (who use internet) aged 8 to 16- have seen internet porn and most of them get access to these pornographic sites by using search engines. Another study revealed that- those who watch porn excessively in their childhood, start considering sexual offenses as normal and acceptable human attitude and can’t recognize the obscenity and immorality associated with this sort of behavior.
However, you cannot restrict your children completely from using internet. They depend on internet for checking their schedules, updates and submissions.
In this respect is working to develop a world (virtual) where there will be no strains, sins or haram contents. The term ‘Haram’ literally means “forbidden,” and is applied to moral and dietary guidelines for Muslims, whereas halal means “permissible.” provides strict filters that prevent users from accessing any sort of haram or forbidden content. The filtering system strictly eliminates ‘Haram’ or forbidden contents such as pornography, nudity or anti-Islamic content or anything else that is Haram according to the Islamic law.
You will find no results if search for the term ‘porn’ on this search engine. Even the search engine would represent disturbed celebrities like Amanda bynes or Kim Kardishan in an endurable manner.
However, the concept of religiously-oriented search engines is not something very new. Before that we have seen Jewgle that celebrates the Jewish contribution to civilization and– a Christian based website that generates search results by applying their own principles.
Written by Roneel
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