How to Upgrade Magento Community Edition?

Magento is a specialized CMS for eCommerce purposes. It is most popular of its kind because of its extensive range of specialized functionality. However, Magento is a bit sophisticated to manage and resource hungry to use. It is suggested that Magento solutions are managed and upgraded by experienced hands.


To upgrade a Magento Community first of all, we need to be sure that the new version is a stable one. After that we must make a backup of the site and the database. If the site is live, then the upgrade procedure should be run on the backup version.


There are two ways to upgrade a Magento system. First and preferred way is by Magento connect manager.

1. Go to Admin->System->Magento Connect->Magento Connect Manager

2. You must login again using the id and password for the admin panel

3. Make sure that you have checked “Put store on the maintenance mode while installing/upgrading”.

4. Click on “Check for upgrades”

5. You will get the files to be uploaded

6. Select the necessary upgrades to be made from “Actions” column

7. Check “Clear all sessions after successfull install or upgrade:”

8. Click on “Commit Changes”

9. “Flush Magento Cache” from Admin->System-Cache Management


The second way to upgrade a Magento system is as below:

1. Download the version from

2. Extract the files

3. Go to FTP

4. Upload the files to root, as if you are overwriting those (It doesn’t over write in fact)

5. “Flush Magento Cache” from Admin->System-Cache Management


Once files are upgraded, change point direction of the domain to the upgraded files.

Now, these are the general steps needed to be taken for upgrading Magento version in general. This could be slightly different based on versions. There could many issues generated, depending on the changes committed in the core files, plugins or extensions been used and quality of codes of the existing files.


One response to “How to Upgrade Magento Community Edition?”

  1. Tya Avatar

    I wouldn’t reomecmnd both of your solutions! The first is a no-go. You should never touch core files and I think removing the Exception throwing is a very very bad trick !And I think if you change entity_type_code in database it just works fine, because somewhere in code they use customer_address’ (hard coded) for registry, then they use somewhere else the value of database for registry. Now you have two different registries. No wonder it works. But again, you touched core configurations. And even if you compare this code with the others, I don’t think it should be customer/address’ instead of customer_address’ because they’re all wrote with an underscore. It’s just a code, so you can write it however you want Thats my opinion, I don’t believe that fixes it correctly!