
Paypal Issue resolved – Place An Order Button Doesn’t Work

Few months back we had been experiencing a very strange problem, which caused us a lot of time to understand. The solution was very small though.


For a client, we were installing a new theme on a Magento solution. Everything was working perfect except Paypal Express, which we previously configured by us and was working properly. The problem was as below:


After selecting a product, when users clicked on Paypal Express button they were redirected to the Paypal page. After providing their Paypal credentials, the system was redirected to Review Order page, where users needed to press the button “Place An Order”. Unfortunately the button was not processing the requests. Rather it was redirecting to the main page only and nothing else was happening in the backend as well (no orders were recorded, no transactions were done). We then tried to test the system by using sandbox and nothing changes.


Since this issues was not producing any error log or message, it was difficult to understand what is causing it from. Interestingly the solution was so simple. We just replaced the /app/design/frontend/actual theme/default/template/paypal with core files.


So silly… huh!!!


One response to “Paypal Issue resolved – Place An Order Button Doesn’t Work”

  1. Asad Avatar

    Hi Mizunogolf.Unfortunately every sitebuilder has it\’s own aatgnvdaes and some have bugs within.I don\’t want to say you should buy Macromedia Dreamweaver just because it is recognizable brand, but you should first try to play with something that comes for free like My Free Website Builder.It doesn\’t require you to have HTML knowledge, but always can be handy.Has step-by-step tutorials and videos included, and comes with 100 professional website templates (there is also option to purchase PayPal and Credit Card logos for selling on your website).This website builder software is free (see link below).Please Note Because every browser displays webpage differently, you should always test webpage with different browsers, for example Interet Explorer or FireFox.