Category: Others

  • Social Marketing Project Review – Franchising International

    Social Marketing Project Review – Franchising International

    Franchising International works with enterprise, international franchisor community members and professionals. They connect franchises and licenses with candidates who fit best. Franchising International provides everything to operate clients business as their licensee including a first class platform and management dashboard. They build the Apps and Mobile websites and assist the client. Clients can profit from…

  • Cheap Led Australia

    Cheap Led Australia

    We have been renovating this site based on OpenCart technology. This is for one of our regular clients. We will add lots of unique functionality to Cheap Led Australia website.

  • Data Mining Project for an Australia based Real Estate giant

    Data Mining Project for an Australia based Real Estate giant

    We have been doing lots of research to gather confidential data, generate data warehouse, apply high level Data Mining techniques to predict the trends. This was a high level confidential project and we are legally bound not to reveal any details of the project.

  • Home Health Super Store

    Home Health Super Store

    The client ( Home Health Super Store ) is one of the biggest medical product suppliers in the US. We started with a simple contract of Access database programming and managing contents for the Amazon 1.0 Web Store based ecommerce site. The client was also developing another site based on Amazon 2.0 Web Store technology. As client’s…