We Don’t know- Who You Are, Where You Have Come From and Where you Have Lost But We Want You to Come Back
I’ve been so agitated and busy last few days that I didn’t notice- another 16th December has arrived on our doorstep. Every time I step outside my house, I feel so worried- whether I will be able to make it… to come back home safely. Every time I come back home safely, I feel worried again- will I be able to make it tomorrow! Did the opposition declare any Hartal again!

You might find it annoying- seeing me forgetting the most magnificent and imperative day of our life. In response, I truly have nothing to defend myself. The only thing I can do is begging pardon. Actually I have seen some incidents last few days’- six or seven dedicated political activists (Student Leader!) killing an innocent citizen just for nothing… I have seen some convicted killer and corrupted leaders have been rewarded and promoted for their respective enactment.

All these events took place last few days (in fact decade) have stunned me so fiercely that, I have started feeling that some particular areas of my brain is not functioning. Now I have started wondering- what is the use of this Independence! Why those 3 million people have sacrificed their lives! Did they do it so that the leaders and politicians can make more personal wealth? I don’t know, neither any leaders, talk show participants or so called Intellectuals know it.
Once again, I am begging pardon for all these nonsense … for wasting your precious moment. But one thing I can tell you for granted- you will not get anything better than that. All the young people or teens are now so confused and numb like me. They are so unwilling to join politics, even if they wish- the leaders will not allow them unless they sacrifice their morality.
As mentioned earlier, all the academicians and intellectuals are getting so busy with their academic and personal affairs. This is actually worthless to wait for their guidelines or statements. They will never say anything that will damage their reputation and achievement in the long run.
Under this circumstance, we need someone who is truly fearless and not scared of losing anything… who is going to place our ill-fated motherland beyond everything…
We, the dazed and confused young generation are waiting for that leader to come.

My dear little barefooted brother in the picture… we don’t know – who you are, where you have come from and where you have lost… but we want you to come back with the spirit of 69 and 71… We desperately need someone who can lead the procession.
Happy Victory Day to you all. Let’s make the martyr’s sacrifices more meaningful.
Written by Roneel.
Images: collected.
One response to “We Don’t Know- Who You Are But We Want You to Come Back”
one thing i can comment regarding this article that, sometimes we are really lost about our origin! you have done such a nice effort which will at least will not let us lost from our perishing humanity and it will at least enliven us with a sip of patriotic feelings. Well done my brother!