Mr. Humayun Ahmed

Wish You Could Know How You Will be Missed!

Death is so inevitable, there is no such way we can escape death. Sir Humayun Ahmed was undoubtedly the most legendary of his time. He was never afraid to stick to his principles. No matter how difficult the situation was, he was truly fearless.


Death can never stop life. We lost most of our geniuses during 1971 but that did not stop our life.


We have lost a true star; however we can make his achievement more meaningful and worthwhile by comprising his thought and belief to our heart.


Sir is no more with us today. Still those who love him and wanted to do something for him- can do a lot of stuffs. The bottom line is very simple, love your country the same way Humayun Sir did. Have your contribution from every possible aspects, does not matter how mere it is. Serve those areas in which Sir did not get enough time to work on.


RIP Humayun Ahmed. Wish you could know how you will be missed!